Foods For Fast Metabolism – Is Metabolism Genetic? 6 Astonishing Facts Revealed


Foods For Fast Metabolism

Foods for fast metabolism and an active and healthy lifestyle

There are foods for fast metabolism, but do they really make you leaner, or is it all just hype?

Are you stuck with the metabolism you currently have – is metabolism genetic, or can you do something about it?

We look at what metabolism is, how it helps with weight loss, and what you can do to increase it.

There are some people who seem to eat anything, and never get any fatter.

Then there’s you and I who smell their food and seem to put on weight.

Everyone has that one friend who can eat large amounts of whatever they want to, and never get fat.

It often feels as though people with fast metabolism are magical creatures, up there with unicorns, fairies, mermaids, and others. Your metabolic rate has a large impact on whether you are one of these people.

What is metabolism?

What is metabolism

Metabolism is a biochemical process that influences how quickly your body converts the food and drink you consume into energy.

Your body needs energy for processes such as breathing, cell repair, blood circulation, and others.

The amount of calories that your body needs for these processes is what determines your basal metabolic rate or metabolism.

What is your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)?

Basal metabolic rate - BMR

Your basal metabolic rate is the rate at which your body burns energy, as you do nothing. In other words, the amount of energy your body needs to live.

Your BMR can be estimated using the following calculations:


BMR = 655 + (9.6 × weight in kg) + (1.8 × height in cm) – (4.7 × age in years)


BMR = 66 + (13.7 × weight in kg) + (5 × height in cm) – (6.8 × age in years)

In addition to the BMR you burn energy digesting food, and you burn energy through physical activity.

The physical activity could be anything from walking around going about your day, to additional physical exercise.

For most people, BMR is the largest part of your energy expenditure.

Clearly from these calculations, one thing is clear: Age decreases your metabolism.

Another thing is, whilst it is hard to use exercise or diet to increase BMR, it is quite easy to use a diet to slow it down.

Yes, unfair but true.

Low carbohydrate diets will due this, as the body attempts to preserve energy.

This isn’t necessarily bad, but does explain why initially you may not lose fat.

What is the difference between fast and slow metabolism?

Slow vs Fast Metabolism

People with high or fast metabolism tend to burn more calories.

People with a high metabolism can, therefore, eat more calories without storing fat.

Conversely, slower metabolic rates require less calories for the same level of activity.

These levels differ based on the values of BMR (see above) – it is individual particularly to your weight, height, and age.

Is Metabolism genetic?

Genetics do influence metabolism and people with a high Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) are born with it.

Metabolic rate is different from person to person, although a combination of genetics and upbringing will have a bit impact. Further, having a high metabolism isn’t always ideal since it may influence the body’s ability to maintain a healthy weight.

Whilst genetics comes into play, it is health and fitness factors that play a bigger part.

Foods that increase metabolism, increased fluid intake and exercise having major impacts.

Metabolism factors

In addition to genetics, several other factors influence your metabolism. These include:

  • Age
  • Body Size
  • Muscle mass
  • Gender
  • Diet
  • Hormonal imbalances

You have control over some of these factors, which may raise your metabolic rate.

If you were a humming bird, you would have the fastest metabolic rate in the animal kingdom. Sorry.

Metabolism and Body Temperature

Metabolism and body temperature

A higher core body temperature has been shown in studies to increase metabolism.

For every degree increase, your metabolism increases 10 to 13 percent.

An interesting point, is that cooler air temperatures have also been shown to increase metabolic rate too.

Fast metabolism foods – What are they?

It is common to see spices that are supposed to speed the metabolism.

According to studies they do cause an increase, but it is only a small amount over a small period of time, and therefore would be ineffective as the sole weight loss aid.

The following are fast metabolism foods and the best natural strategies you might adopt to increase your metabolic rate.

Drink green tea

Faster Metabolism and Green Tea

Two or three cups of green tea during the course of the day work well. It has less caffeine than coffee and is high in antioxidants. Also present in green tea is EGCG which helps increase metabolism, and thereby helps burn fat and with weight loss.

Studies have shown that people who drink tea burn up to 100 extra calories in a day. Additionally, drinkers also enjoy benefits such as better hydration and reduction in cortisol levels.

Build lean muscle

Metabolism and Building Lean Muscle

Building lean muscle is a great way to burn fat and speed up your metabolism.

Lean muscle does this by improving your BMR.

Studies have shown that you burn six calories for each pound of muscle, due to the faster metabolic rate. 

As your fitness improves, and your muscles become more capable, so you can do longer, harder workouts. This will massively impact how much body fat you have, everything else remaining the same.

Increase your water intake

Metabolism and Increased water intake

Ensure that you drink at least 8 glasses of water daily to improve body processes and prevent dehydration which can slow down metabolism. Studies have shown that people who drink at least 8 glasses of water daily burn more calories than those who only drink four glasses.

The recommended intake of fluid per day is 3.7 liters for men, and 2.7 liters for women. Of this amount, you should look to get a large amount of that intake from water. As a rough guide, drinking 8, 8-ounce glasses of water will be a good approximation.

Drinking this amount will have your body working closer to optimally than if you did not. This means that lack of water, will not be a reason for a slower metabolic rate.

Many fitness applications allow you to track water intake, to make it easier to hit your targets. Keep a bottle by your side during the day, so you can easily drink every now and then. Its easy to drink that much when you try.

Spice up your life

Spices and a faster metabolism

Spices such as cayenne pepper, turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon can increase your metabolic rate temporarily. Capsaicin, curcumin and gingerol are the responsible compounds in the spices. You will feel hotter, this is a sign that you metabolism is quicker. This process can also enhance thermogenesis and decrease leptin, which regulates energy balance and helps indicate hunger. If you feel less hungry, you will probably eat less.

Fill up on fiber

Consume more fiber - Foods for fast metabolism

Adding more fiber to your diet is a great way to increase metabolism. Fiber cannot be digested, but your bodies attempts to, and this requires more energy to do so. That great energy requirement essentially increases your metabolic rate.

Foods for Fast Metabolism – Conclusion

There are a large number of things you can easily do that will increase your metabolism.

It is genetic, but that doesn’t mean you’re stuck with what you have.

The genetic part is a small piece of the puzzle, and consuming foods for fast metabolism can really help you.

If you’re eating healthily, drinking healthily, and exercising healthily you will increase your metabolism. You will also be healthier into the bargain. So, who needs genetics?

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