10 Quick Easy Ways To Remove Skin Tags At Home


Skin tags are embarrassing looking things, that won’t go away. But what if it was easy to remove skin tags at home. Some way could even be completely painless.

Read on to find out 10 different ways you can remove skin tags at home painlessly, and cheaply.

Have you been wondering what the small soft growth on your neck, groin, armpits, or eyelid are?

Skin tags or acrochordon are small, benign (harmless) growths that are attached to the skin by a thin stalk. They mostly appear on the armpits, groin, neck, under the breast in women, and other areas where there is a skin-to-skin or skin-to-cloth friction.

They are different from warts but mostly misdiagnosed as warts. Warts look like a small cauliflower or a solid blister. Warts are rough and have an irregular shape, while skin tags are soft and smooth.

Tags occur when free collagen fibers lodge under the thick areas of the skin. They are harmless, but sometimes painful when snagged by clothing or jewelry. They are less problematic but aesthetically undesirable, especially when they form in highly visible areas such as the face.

Sometimes skin tag falls away on their own without any medical treatment.

Many of these treatments are not recognised by the medical profession, although some people have tried these and they worked. Please see what to do if it becomes worse.

You can remove skin tags at home for cosmetic reasons if they’re in highly visible areas.

Painlessly Remove Skin Tags with Apple Cider Vinegar

The acidic properties of vinegar protect you against infection and sterilize wounds.

The acid also helps breakdown tissues surrounding the tag.

Applying apple cider vinegar makes the tag to fall off without causing any pain.

Soak cotton in the apple cider vinegar and then use a bandage it on the skin tag for ten minutes.

Remove the cotton ball and wash the area with warm water and soap.

Repeat two to three times a day.

Don’t use apple cider vinegar to treat tags around the eyes.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is used to treat several skin conditions, including tags.

Applying tea tree oil on the skin dehydrates the skin tags making them fall off.

Tea tree oil can be used to treat tags in different ways.

Tea tree oil compress 

Soak cotton in tea tree oil and then use a tape or a bandage to secure the ball on the skin.

Let the ball sit there for the whole night and repeat daily until the tag falls off.

Vinegar and Tea tree oil

Soak cotton or a piece of cloth in vinegar and then add a tea tree oil.

Secure the ball on the skin using a tape or a bandage.

Let the ball sit there for ten to fifteen minutes and then rinse the area with soap and lukewarm water soap.

Repeat thrice in a day.

Don’t use the mix to treat tags near the eyes.

Diluted tea tree oil 

If pure tea tree oil is causing skin irritation, consider diluting it with coconut or jojoba oil.

Add three to four drops of tea tree oil to one tablespoon of carrier oil (coconut or jojoba ) and apply the mixture on the affected part twice a day.

Banana Peel can Help Remove Skin Tags At Home

Banana peel contains potassium, iron, zinc, and manganese.

These nutrients help reduce skin inflammations.

The inner part of the peel contains carotenoids, lutein, and esterified fatty acids that help reduce and heal skin tags.

After eating your banana, place the peel on the tag and wrap it using tape or bandage.

Repeat every day until the tag diminishes.

Remove Skin Tags at Home with Iodine

Iodine helps get rid of tags by breaking skin cells.

Before applying iodine on the affected part of the skin, apply coconut oil or petroleum jelly to the target skin part.

Spread iodine on the affected part of the skin using a Q-tip.

Cover the affected area with a bandage or tape until iodine has dried and then rinse the area with lukewarm water.

Repeat this twice a day until the tag drops off. Don’t use iodine to tags near your eyes.

Tag removal device

Use a tag removal device to cut off the supply of blood to the tag.

When the tag cells fail to get blood supply, they will die and drop away within ten days.

The use of tag removal devices to remove skin tags is known as ligation.

Use the supplied device to apply a band on the base of the tag.

Thread or Floss to Remove Skin Tags At Home

If you can’t access tag removal devices, you can alternatively use a string or dental floss.

Unlike using the tag removal device, you will have to tighten the string daily until the tag falls off.

Skin tag removal cream

Before applying the tag removal cream on the affected part of the skin, clean the area using alcohol.

Some tag removal creams prescriptions may not require you to clean the area.

Cleaning before applying the cream helps ensure that the cream is fully absorbed.

One application may be enough, but if the tag takes more than two weeks before falling off, you can consider reapplying the cream again.

Skin Tag Removal with Scissors or Nail Clippers

A dermatologist may prescribe cutting off the skin tag using sharp scissors or blade. Cutting medium and large skin tags can cause bleeding. The blade and scissors should be sterilized before use to avoid infections. Talk to your dermatologist or doctor before attempting to cut skin tags.

Removing Skin Tags With Castor Oil and Baking Soda

Add a few drops of castor oil to baking soda to make a paste.

Apply the paste on the affected skin area and cover it with a tape or a bandage.

Let it sit there for 10 minutes before rinsing it with lukewarm water.

Repeat daily until the skin smooths out.

Skin Tag Removal With Aloe Vera

Clean the tag, and area around it.

Apply some aloe vera juice or gel.

Massage into the tag.

Apply 2 to 3 times a day, until the tag reduces.

When to see a dermatologist or doctor

Tags that are insensitive areas such as near the eyes require professional intervention. If the skin tag is bleeding and large, you should see your doctor sooner to avoid other infections.

The above home remedies are not suitable for:

  • bleeding tags
  • tags located around the eye and genitals
  • Painful tags and
  • tags that are too large

Dermatologists use the following tag removal medications:

Ligation – The doctor uses a surgical thread to reduce blood flow.

Cryotherapy – The doctor applies nitrogen liquid on the affected skin area to freeze off the tag. The tag drops off after one or two treatments.

Excision – The use of a sharp blade or scissors to cut off the skin tag.

Cauterization – Dermatologists use electrolysis to burn off the tag. To reduce pain, the doctor may apply anesthetic around the affected skin area before the procedure.

Skin tag removal: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/skin-tag-removal-optional-but-effective-2020032319079