Got Gas? 5 Common Foods To Help Stop Embarrassment


Foods that help stop gas and bloating

Tooting in social situations is embarrassing, but it is normal. We all deal with gas daily. An adult passes it 12 to 20 times a day. Gas and bloating are due to the swallowing of air throughout the day. Gas can also develop when your gut is breaking down food. Everybody passes gas, and it is a sign that your digestive system is working well.

The gas is a combination of odorless gases such as oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and sometimes methane. A smelly gas is a sign of a medical problem. Passing a smelly gas can also be a symptom of other medical conditions that require treatment such as constipation, celiac disease, indigestion, food allergies, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Some medications also increase gas.

Gas is a regular part of the digestive process. The good bacteria in your intestines ferments food that is not fully digested. An increased gas can occur when you eat too many gas-producing foods and fiber and failure to drink enough water. Chewing gum, drinking using straws, and eating quickly also increases gas.

Eating smaller meals slowly and drinking plenty of water can help reduce gas and bloating. Eating certain foods and avoiding gas-producing foods can also help reduce gas and bloating. Here are some of the foods you should include in your diet to reduce bloating and gas.

Foods that stop gas and bloating

1. Banana

Foods rich in potassium such as bananas, kiwi, avocado, pistachios, and oranges help reduce salt-induced bloating by regulating sodium levels in the body. A medium banana contains 420 mg of potassium that is essential in maintaining a flat tummy and fluid balance. Bananas also contain resistant starch that combats constipation and helps in relieving the trapped gas that is causing bloating.

For better results, consider eating bananas that are still slightly green as they contain less fermentable sugar that increases gas. These bananas also have more resistant starch that is beneficial to your digestive system.

2. Celery

Celery has exceedingly high water content. Celery also contains a high amount of potassium. Potassium in celery helps in controlling water retention that is associated with bloating. A long term consumption of celery can help cure leaky guts. Celery also contains insoluble fibers that help in bowel movement by controlling both diarrhea and constipation.

For better results, eat cooked celery instead of fresh celery that contains indigestible fibers that may worsen bloating. Cooking celery helps soften the indigestible fibers.

3. Ginger

Including ginger in your diet helps treat all sorts of digestive problems. It stops bloating by accelerating stomach emptying and enhancing mobility. Shagaols and gingerols in ginger help reduce flatulence. Sipping ginger tea when you’re feeling bloated will give you a natural relief. You can also use ginger as additives when cooking to enjoy both its digestive benefits and delicious food flavor.

4. Cucumber

Cucumber contains a flavonoid known as quercetin that supports a healthy immune response, reduce allergic reactions, and fight inflammatory free radicals. It reduces bloating by stopping gastrointestinal inflammations.

Cucumber has the highest water content among all vegetables. 96% of cucumber is water. Drinking cucumber induced water and eating cucumber helps in releasing trapped gas, balancing sodium levels, and flushing of excess water.

5. Spinach

Spinach contains a high level of magnesium. Many people are magnesium deficient. Eating one cup of cooked spinach gives you 39% of the recommended magnesium daily intake. Magnesium helps in protein synthesis and activation of enzymes that break down food into smaller components.

Magnesium also helps relax the muscles of the digestive tract to maintain bowel regularity. It also helps prevent constipation by softening the stool.

For more digestive benefits, consider adding a scoop of organic spinach to a smoothie or water. You can also make a smoothie of all the above five foods that helps curb gas and bloating for maximum benefits.

A regular exercise can also help keep your digestive system in good shape reducing the instances of gas and bloating. If you’re addicted to smoking, giving up may also help stop gas and bloating.

When to see the doctor

If you’re still struggling with gas and bloating even after including the above five foods in your diet and you have the following symptoms, consider talking to your doctor.

  • Blood in stool
  • Stomach pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Continuous constipation
  • Shivering
  • High temperatures